"This database presents an assortment of search filters developed and maintained by CADTH’s Research Information Services Filters Working Group. These filters have been extensively tested by the Research Information Services team and are routinely used in CADTH projects. Some filters have been validated against a gold standard set of articles, while others have been pragmatically validated."
"This blog has been created to share PubMed search strategies. Search strategies posted here are not perfect. They are posted in the hope that others will benefit from the work already put into their creation and/or will offer suggestions for improvements."
BMJ Best Practice Search Strategies
"The following examples are filters used by the BMJ Knowledge Centre, ..."
Primary Health Care (PHC) Research and Information Services
"The PHC Search Filter is an efficient search strategy giving you easy access to the primary health care literature you need. To try the PHC Search Filter, follow one of the One-Click search links to access literature relevant to that topic."
The InterTASC Information Specialists' Sub-Group Search (ISSG) Filter Resource
The InterTASC Information Specialists' Sub-Group Search Filter Resource is a collaborative venture to identify, assess and test search filters designed to retrieve research by study design or focus. The Search Filters Resource aims to provide easy access to published and unpublished search filters.
McMaster Health Knowledge Refinery (HKR) Hedges Project
The focus of the Hedges Project is to investigate ways to develop and harness (“hedges”) to improve retrieval of scientifically sound and clinically relevant study reports from large, general purpose, biomedical research bibliographic databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsycINFO.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) Search Filters
The search filters used by SIGN are developed in-house or are created by other research organisations and adapted to meet SIGN information needs. SIGN's filters may provide less sensitive searches than used by other systematic reviewers such as The Cochrane Collaboration, but enable the retrieval of medical studies that are most likely to match SIGN's methodological criteria.
searchRxiv (pronounced “search archive”) has been established to support researchers to report, store and share their searches consistently and to enable them to review and re-use existing searches.
"[The McMaster Health Knowledge Refinery] Clinical Hedges database contains data for the year 2000 for each article in each of the issues of 170 clinical journals ..."