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Guía de recursos en Medicina Dental: Diccionarios y Glosarios

Médicos generales IMPRESOS

Glosarios - Inglés

Glossary of Dental Clinical and Administrative Terms

American Dental Association (ADA):

"The ADA's Council on Dental Benefit Programs has included a glossary of dental clinical and administrative terms in each edition of the CDT manual. Although glossary information in the printed CDT Manual serves a legitimate purpose, the online version of the Glossary has the advantage of being readily updated. This online glossary contains the Council's most current set of terms and definitions. Content is based on the CDT 2011-2012 glossary, with some changes (e.g., definitions of inlays and onlays) that came about after the manual was printed."

Glossary Infection Prevention & Control in Dental Settings

 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

"Definitions of terms used in infection control."

Glosarios - Español

Glosario - MouthHealthy de la American Dental Association (ADA)

Glosario de términología dental cuyas  definiciones están redactadas para el consumidor.

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