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Guía de recursos en Medicina Dental: APA Style

Manual de estilo APA

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth Edition)

"The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the style manual of choice for writers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioral sciences. It provides invaluable guidance on all aspects of the writing process, from the ethics of authorship to the word choice that best reduces bias in language.

Well-known for its authoritative and easy-to-use reference and citation system, the Publication Manual also offers guidance on choosing the headings, tables, figures, and tone that will result in strong, simple, and elegant scientific communication."


Leer más información (inglés)

Ver APA: Guía del Manual de Publicación

Ejemplos del Manual APA en Medicina Dental

© 2017 Biblioteca Conrado F. Asenjo - Recinto de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Todos los derechos reservados.